The 2D and 3D animations produced by our company make it possible to visualise complex installation and assembly procedures, thus facilitating their correct execution by both professionals and individual customers. Depending on your needs, we offer animations of various levels of complexity, from simple instructional videos to complex productions with complex special effects, so-called VFX.
We also create informational and promotional animations that effectively promote various types of company activities, such as the promotion of software, publications or other aspects such as supporting the environment, etc.
In the era of social media, where short, condensed information, preferably in the form of a video file, is the most useful information medium, we offer production of short video materials for use on such platforms.
Our production system is based on the latest developments in computer animation creation, i.e. in addition to classic technologies based on CPU solutions (e.g. Vray), we realise video productions based on the Unreal rendering engine and Lumion software. This allows us to significantly reduce the production time of 3D animations based on so-called GPU rendering.
Selected examples
Instructional animations
Advertising animations
Other animations